Thursday 19 October 2017

Culling with a Curtiss

If there is one aircraft that 2.0 has made huge impact one, it's the tier V premium Curtiss P-40 M-105. 

This Lend-Lease, Soviet powered, American plane was mediocre at best in the pre-2.0 days. Poor climb rate, due to a highly asthmatic engine and machines guns that felt considerably weaker than it's American counterparts, it wasn't a whole lot of fun to fly. Sure, I might have had a few great matches in mine, but those were rare and very reliant on the circumstances playing into my favor.

However, 2.0 has changed this aircraft more into the winged terror it should have always been....

I played it from a defender/interceptor role and didn't bother with the optional wing mounted rockets. I was amazed I was able to climb up to where the enemy bombers were flying and took a few down for good measure. The machine dealt out slow, but fairly reliable damage and diving down on adversarial attack aircraft paid back the dividends.

Granted, one battle doesn't set the standard for future expectations, but this sortie does show promise from the changes that came with the latest update, especially for this aircraft.

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